Thursday, October 8, 2009

Parenting the anxious child

I found this an interesting and well-researched article.

Some of the more interesting points:

-Temperament as a baby tends to remain constant through life, especially for those at the extreme

-The 15-20% of babies who react strongly to novel people or situations are more likely to grow up to be anxious.

-An important factor in controlling anxiety is having something to divert one’s attention – such as an interesting hobby or job

-Those who are anxious and smart might turn out to be better employees

-There doesn’t seem to be clear evidence on how to best parent an anxious child – whether to push greater independence or to accept and acknowledge their fears.

1 comment:

Lainey Wright said...

Wow -this is great -thanks for posting!- it's especially great to note that X has a pretty slim chance of becoming an anxious wreck based on the statistics you site. He's a pretty mellow dude so far & always seems to take new situations & people in stride.