Thursday, August 12, 2010


Normally, my day consists of balancing work, childcare, writing, household and life management responsibilities and perhaps some exercise. If I’m lucky, I’ll have a little spare time to read or watch TV. Last night before I went to bed I planned my schedule for the day. Right now, my challenge is to fit in exercise, local exploration, writing, reading and a little bit of day job work with lectures, education and socializing. Hopefully I’ll make it all fit today.

The plan is to start with breakfast, take a one-mile hike and do some reading in the woods, more reading, lunch with colleagues, education, writing, socializing and dinner, day job work and perhaps another lecture (if I can stay up until 9:30).

I woke up at 6:30 to what looks like oncoming rain. The forest is dark and cool, my cabin in the woods quiet. The wind rustles the leaves outside my window.

I’m energetic to get started on what is a long list of goals for me. No need to plan for interruptions or for duties. Meals and sleep can take as long as I want them to. My heartrate seems to be decreasing already. I am happy.

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