Sunday, December 5, 2010

Close call

Last night I thought I could maybe, possibly be in labor. After taking my vitamins before bed, I puked them all up. As a person with a stomach of steel, vomiting is a rare and usually serious thing. Afterwards, when I tried to go to sleep, I felt a lot of movement, and some of it felt like rectal pressure. That wasn’t what I remembered from last time around, but I thought I’d read of some people feeling something similar during labor. I wondered if it could be it.

But no, even though I’ve been wanting this to be over for ages, I realized I didn’t want it to come last night. For one thing, River’s birthday party was today. We had a ton of people planning to come over. The last thing River said before he went to sleep was, “Sera muy, muy, muy, muy, muy, muy, muy, muy, muy, muy divertido!” (It’s going to very (to the tenth or so power) fun!) That would not be fair to deny him his party. I almost became weepy thinking about how it would suck for him. And I was annoyed, even a bit angry at the baby for possibly ruining his one last, special day before her arrival.

I also realized that we are just not ready. Those people I thought I’d maybe ask if they would be willing to watch River when we go to the hospital – I hadn’t gotten around to asking them directly yet. Who in the world would I call in the middle of the night? I didn’t have a bag packed. I hadn’t sent in my hospital admission forms. I didn’t have anything ready for River. I hadn’t prepared my birth plan. I hadn’t rejected the enema yet. I hadn’t even communicated with my doula for a couple of weeks. Help!

Luckily, it was a false alarm and we had the party. Making the fire truck cake extended my abilities to their max and I answered the door for the first guests unshowered and wearing an inside-out t-shirt covered with frosting. But it went well, the cake was tasty and though we were short on space, people had a good time.

Now I’ve received the wake-up call that I need to start getting things in order. This would be the week to do that.

1 comment:

LazyBones said...

I had a very similar experience and it did kick me into gear. I made the calls I'd been putting off to arrange child care (even though my system is still not perfect; it's about as good as it's going to get), and finished everything I needed to at work. I'm finding work a little harder to slog through now though, b/c there's not much left for me to do! Good luck with all the last minute prep!