Wednesday, December 15, 2010

post-partum snacks?

When I had River, I had a drawer filled with Kashi Go Lean rolls and Kashi Crunchy bars next to my bed. These were delicious, and very satisfying when I was starving at 2 a.m. while awake breastfeeding or with a non-sleeping infant.

But I also wonder if chowing them down at 200 or so calories each in the middle of the night was the best thing.

I’m debating if I should have snacks on hand this time and if so, what kind. Should I have tasty, filling things available to minimize my stress and discomfort at a time when I’ll have a lot to deal with? I do get cranky when I’m hungry. Or should I make it more difficult to access food and maybe drop some weight earlier than last time around? Perhaps if there isn’t any food in the bedroom and it’s too hard to walk downstairs with the baby to the kitchen, maybe I’ll consume less. Or I could become even more resentful about being both awake and hungry in the middle of the night.

Did you have snacks strategically placed in your first weeks with a newborn or did you go without? Any suggestions of what might be good to have around?

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