Sunday, September 12, 2010

Books to prepare a toddler to become a big brother

I asked our local juvenile librarian to suggest some books we could read to River to prepare him for the arrival of a new sibling. She kindly put together a package of books and DVDs. These seem to focus on becoming a big brother, so I’d imagine there are additional big sister materials available. Here are her recommendations, in case they are of interest to others.

La hermanita de spot (Spot’s baby sister) (In Spanish) by Eric Hill

I’m a big brother by Joanna Cole – written in the perspective of a new big brother, who takes the change with positivity.

Best-ever big brother by Karen Katz

My big brother by Valorie Fisher
-This one is not only good to read pre-baby, but looks like a good book to read to the baby, within earshot of the big brother. It is written from the perspective of a baby who idolizes their big brother.

Little Bear is a big brother by Jutta Langreuter

Big brother by Charlotte Zolotow

Arthur. Big brother Binky (DVD)
There are three episodes on this DVD. The first episode deals with the parents deciding to adopt a baby girl from China, and how their biological son adapts to this change.

Dear Baby: Letters from your big brother by Sarah Sullivan

Kids’ book to welcome a new baby: fun for a big brother or big sister by Barbara Collman.

Little Rabbit’s new baby by Harry Horse

Three bears and a new baby (DVD)

You’re a brother, little Bunny by Maribeth Boelts

The Rugrats movie (DVD)

Oonga Boonga by Frieda Wishinsky

When the new baby comes, I’m moving out by Martha Alexander

The New Baby at Your House by Joanna Cole
-It’s an older book, published in 1988, but nice in that it uses photos of real families, toddlers and babies, explaining what babies can and can’t do and how parents relate to younger and older sibling. It gives a realistic portrayal of what the change may be like.

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