Monday, April 26, 2010

Making changes

I’m now quite sure I’m pregnant, though I haven’t taken a test yet. Sure enough to start making a few changes. Sorry, I’m not giving up my morning English Breakfast tea yet. But I am holding off on my Allegra, even though I really need it. I’ll stop by the pharmacy and pick up some Claritin instead, which is rated in a safer category for pregnancy. I’m also struggling with a yeast issue (sorry, if too much information) due to the two weeks of antibiotics. I held off on trying to treat it, since there was a chance I could be pregnant. And the doctor said that the hormonal changes after menstruation could take care of it. But now that the hormonal changes are going in the other direction, it seems to be taking off into a minor case of thrush. I have an appointment with an ob/gyn next week. But in the meantime, I’m taking pro-biotics, trying to eating at least a serving or two of yogurt a day, and am trying to limit the white carbohydrates and sugars I consume, since I’ve read that is what the fungi feeds off of. For a sugar-holic like myself though, it’s a matter of limiting, not excluding.

I looked at a week-by-week guide and saw that right now, it is nothing more than two layers of cells. It’s really nothing resembling a baby. I’m doubtful that a bit of caffeine will have a large effect. However, I’m feeling slightly guilty that in the last month it, or the cells that composed it, were exposed to:
• Two weeks of heavy antibiotics
• Possible propecia exposure through my husband
• A really delicious rainbow roll
• A few sips of champagne
• Cake batter with raw eggs (also delicious!)
• At least three Allegra

Also, my vitamin D levels were low during my blood work last week and I’ve only started taking a multivitamin and vitamin-D in the last few days. So no pre-build up of folic acid, as is recommended.

Then I remember how River made it through both food poisoning and exposure to tear gas in the early weeks, with no apparent effects. Embryos are resilient things, I think there is too much of a tendency to blame mothers, and I believe in all things in moderation. Nonetheless, I’d feel really bad if there was a birth defect I could have prevented. So I’m starting to make the little changes that won’t make me suffer inordinately (like forgoing allergy meds entirely), but will reduce the chances of possible harm.

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